Tech Spec
At a glance
- All timber is kiln-dried and pressure-treated
- Attractive tounged & grooved Shiplap profiles are used for sidings
- All end-grain is concealed
- The base is OSB3
- There is zero ground contact for the timber
- Joints are glued with waterproof adhesive
- High-grade screws are used (no nails/pins)
- Screw heads are concealed using timber plugs
Tech Spec
At a glance
- All timber is kiln-dried and pressure-treated
- Attractive tounged & grooved Shiplap profiles are used for sidings
- All end-grain is concealed
- The base is OSB3
- There is zero ground contact for the timber
- Joints are glued with waterproof adhesive
- High-grade screws are used (no nails/pins)
- Screw heads are concealed using timber plugs
Detailed information
Detailed information
This process reduces the moisture content of the wood to an average of 20%. As well as providing vastly improved dimensional stability (minimising shrinkage, warping, etc.), it is essential in order to make the treatment process effective.
Pressure impregnation
This is the most effective method of applying preservatives into the fibres of the timber – it is not merely surface coating. Applied under vacuum pressure, the preservatives are driven into the cell walls of the timber with active constituents which prevent insect attack & fungal decay.
T&G Shiplap profile
The Shiplap section provides an aesthically pleasing feature, the T&G gives a far stronger fix.
Viewed under a microscope, the end-grain of timber looks like a set of hollow straws. It is the mechanism wherby the tree from which the piece originated took moisture & nutrients from the soil. IT IS THE WEAKEST POINT – a great entry point for insects & fungal spores, causing eventual rot & decay. You may note that many Planters suppliers provide items with lots of end-grain exposed – it’s easier and cheaper to build that way! With HPP there is ZERO end-grain exposed or in ground contact – due to the design & build method.
Legs are rebated so the end-grain of the Shiplap siding butts up tight & is non-exposed. They are also fitted with rubber plugs at the bottom to raise the end-grain off the ground.

Cappings (which cover the upper end-grain of the legs) are mitre-jointed (and glued) to encapsulate end-grain. The screws are then plugged.

Oriented strand board is an engineered timber panel which is fully exterior. OSB is stronger than other composite materials. One of its advantages is its consistent density. This means fewer weak spots versus plywood, which can be prone to delamination.

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